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Aimee Smith – Fundraising Coordinator


Aimee is currently in her third year of studying Earth Science, a degree which she thinks is perfect for her as she has always been interested in understanding the Earth. The 2015 Ol Doinyo Lengai expedition will be her first expedition and she is thrilled to be a part of such a unique experience. Aimee has always been interested in volcanology and has visited volcanoes on the Canary Islands previously but never had the chance to work on them. This expedition will provide her with this opportunity and she is excited to be able to contribute to relevant research on the world’s only active carbonatite volcano. In the summer of 2015 Aimee will be undertaking a three week mapping project as part of her degree. This experience will expand her knowledge of geology and help to strengthen her field skills while boosting her confidence in geological mapping thus providing her with a great base on which to build during her undergraduate mapping project.


Within the team, Aimee shares a joint role as Fundraising Co-Ordinator. Throughout the years she has participated in many fundraising events and will bring this experience to this role. As well as this Aimee has been part of the editorial team for the prospectus, which has given her skills she will undoubtedly require throughout the rest of her degree (e.g. producing reports and papers).

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